6 Reasons To Tug One Off

6 Reasons To Tug One Off

The art of self-love has been around as long as we've had hands. If you're like many blokes, ever since you ripped the top off it in your early teens it's become a staple in your routine as much as just about anything else.

Sure, it feels pretty decent, but there is actually a handful of reasons that suggest having some along time is actually a benefit for your health and well being. If you want to live longer, listen up!

Reduce Risk Of Prostate Cancer: Yep, a study from 2004 showed blokes who come 21 times a month, compared to 4-7 time, are 33% less likely to develop cancer. Maybe they could study some of you lot of and what the 50+ club can achieve.

Last Longer: Practice makes perfect right? Plenty of blokes suffer from reaching the finish line a little bit early, but sometime practice before game day is all thats missing. Training yourself will give you a better idea of your journey to the happy place, and you'll have better control when you're with your partner.

Boosts Immunity: Ejaculating causes the release of a hormone called cortisol. While this hormone does have a few stress related implications, in small doses it does help regulate you immunity. There's not concrete research on this one, but the science is there.

Boosts Mood: Speaking of nuerochemicals, masturbating is the single best non-drug way to boost your dopamine. That is going to boost your spirits as it activates the reward centre of your brain. Excessive self love can become a problem when you get reliant on this 'fake' boost, rather than going out there and earning it so use sparingly. 

Better Skin: When you come, your blood starts flowing causing blood vessels to open up. In the moment, this is that rosy cheek post-sex glow, but it reduce inflammation and help with rashes and zits.

Better Sleep: The release of oxytocin, prolactin and serotonin during the process all aid with relaxation, so thats why we might get a little bit sleepy after a session with the missus. Knocking one out if you're struggling to get to sleep might just be the right move - give it a go!

There you have it boys, you're not a filthy animal, you're a modern man being responsible about his health. 

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