4 New Years Resolutions You Can Actually Keep

4 New Years Resolutions You Can Actually Keep

It's that time of year again where we decide we're going to do something, stick at it for 1-4 weeks, then go back to our normal selves. We're here to say "aim lower"! Not that you shouldn't be the best that you can be, but if your changes or unrealistic to maintain then they are not much good to you at all.

Get Fit

Let's start with the classic: getting fit. Now, before you envision a drill sergeant yelling you into submission, consider this—fitness is not one-size-fits-all. If you do sweet fk all in the way of physical exertion, literally a few tiny changes is a move in the right direction. Whether it's walking the dog round the block, doing 5 minutes of stretching a few times a week, or getting your ass out for a 1km jog, it all counts. The key here is consistency and finding joy in the process so don’t try become an athlete on week one, it takes time to build yourself back to your former glory.

Watch What You Eat

Again, we're not suggesting you count every calorie or turn down every slice of pizza. It's about balance and making smarter choices in a way you can do it longer than a fortnight. Swap to Coke Zero, or try meal prep instead of funding the local snack bar. Maybe it’s a banana instead of a servo pie for brekky? Small changes can lead to big results, and your body will feel the difference. Remember, you don't have to eat less; you just have to eat right.

Go to the Doctor

We know, we know, nobody enjoys it. But staying on top of your health is crucial, and sometimes Google doesn't have all the answers. Regular check-ups can catch issues early and keep you on the right track. Skin cancers, high cholesterol, low testosterone, high blood pressure – all stuff you can fix fairly easily. Like changing the oil in the car, it might not be thrilling, but it's necessary. And hey, they don’t even stick a finger up your dot anymore!

Quit Smoking

Yes, it's tough. Yes, it's worth it. Aside from the obvious health benefits like better breathing and reducing the risk of severe diseases, think of the money you'll save! Not to mention, you won't smell like an ashtray, or watermelon kiwi for the vapers out there. There are more resources than ever to help you quit, from apps, groups, books, and nicotine substitutes.

These resolutions might seem daunting at first glance, but they're more achievable than you might think. It's about making small, manageable changes that you can actually maintain that, over a long period of time, will lead to the results you are looking for.

We recommend checking out of recent blog on Why 30 Day Challenges Are Better Than Resolutions if you want to make an impact on your life this year!

All advice and information on BA by its administrators and members is given in good faith. The advice is the opinions of our members and is not professional in nature. You should consider if this information is right for you and seek advice from professional services if necessary. Blokes Advice Co Pty Ltd does not accept legal liability or responsibility for the content of the advice or information or any consequences arising from its use.

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